👔 Style Ranking | BTS Island: In the SEOM
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👔 Style Ranking

👔 Style Ranking is determined by adding up your Popularity, Costume, and Deco Scores.

🌹Popularity Score: Calculated based on the gifts you received. The game will reflect your Popularity Score you earned this season.
👕Costume Score: Calculated based on the costumes you own.
🏠Deco Score: Calculated based on the Deco/Mission Objects you own.

- Style Rankings will periodically reset every season. 
- The Popularity Score earned during the season will be reset, but Costume/Deco Scores will remain. 
- Popularity Score represents the sum of gifts received from other users throughout the season. 
- After the reset, your Ranking will be reflective of your current Score at the time of login.

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