I did not receive an item after making a purchase. | BTS Island: In the SEOM
BTS Island: In the SEOM HELP 🛠️ Troubleshooting
I did not receive an item after making a purchase.

After a payment has been processed, it may take some time ⏳ for the item to be issued.
In such cases, try quitting the game and reconnecting to check whether the item has been provided.

If the issue persists after re-accessing the game after some time,
please make your inquiry through the following channels

● Google Play Store (Android OS)
- 1:1 Customer Service Inquiry
[Settings⚙️ at the top right corner of the game - Customer Service]

● Apple App Store (iOS)
- In the case of the App Store (iOS), you must contact Apple’s customer service directly as Apple handles all payments and purchases.

1. Go to the Apple Customer Service website
2. Click on [Subscriptions and Billing], follow the given instructions to log in with your Apple ID where the payment was made on
3. Select your issue and provide details under [How can we help?]
4. After confirming the payment details, click [Submit]

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