I would like to cancel a purchase. | BTS Island: In the SEOM
BTS Island: In the SEOM HELP 🛠️ Troubleshooting
I would like to cancel a purchase.

Refunds will only be possible within 7 days of purchasing a product only if the product has not been used.
⛔Refunds will only be possible if the condition above is met.
Please keep in mind that refunds will not be possible if the product or the currency has been used!
⛔Items or packages that contain items that are immediately applied upon purchase cannot be canceled
(Ex: Event items, event Hearts, etc.)

If you have any inquiries regarding refunds, please leave us an inquiry through our Customer Service.

- How to submit a 1:1 Customer Service Inquiry
[Settings⚙️] button on the top right of the game - Customer Service]

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